
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I got a love note this morning...

Translation:  Good morning Mommy I love you in the whole world and I love Daddy, Parker, and I love myself. 

I cherish little things and moments like this. She wrote this for me while I was getting ready this morning and she was sitting in Daddy's sink in the bathroom. I asked her to read it to me, and the translation above is exactly what she said. 

This is a plastic spider that she likes to put on us (head, leg, arm) to scare us. 

She's afraid of any kind of real bug. When she finds a bug she tells Daddy to eat it. She really thinks Daddy eats bugs.

Toddler + permanent marker = 

She decided to decorate Daddy's computer keyboard.

My SON has a pink princess chair in his room that never leaves...

This chair is used by MonkeyGirl to stand on and watch me change diapers. She's very curious. And has to know "He pooped or peed?" If he pooped, she says "Ewww, I schmell it." By the way, as a courtesy I cleaned up the pee on the wall before I took this picture.

And then there's this... It's a little absurd and maybe a little wrong, but it's oh so funny that I had to tell about it...

Since I ALWAYS have an audience when using the bathroom, there's no hiding these...
She says they are feathers. She proceeded to tell Daddy, her grandparents and I'm sure her friends and teachers at school that Mommy has feathers in her wee wee... Wonderful...

- Jessica

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