
Friday, March 18, 2011

I Feel Old

Yesterday I felt old... for real. As I was sitting in the parents section at gymnastics, watching my silly girl do back bends and flips on the bars, there were 2 teenage girls sitting next to me. I couldn't help but overhear bits and pieces of their conversation... It went a little something like this...

"OMG, did you see what Sara put on her Facebook?! Ugh, that so wasn't cool. Oh, and OMG let me tell you, Kayla and I were like trying to keep that a secret, but now like everyone knows. OMG did you see Hunter today?! Ahhh, he's like so cute! His sister is such a bitch. I can't stand her. She's so ugly. She pisses me off. I have to update my Facebook status now."

All while they were putting on makeup. My first thought was to turn to them and say, "Listen here, I'm trying to watch my little girl do her thing, now shut it!" Then I thought... Wow, I'm old. I'm now a mommy, a parent... I'm "old" to them. I usually talk to some of the regular gymnastics mommies while we're watching our girls, and our conversation is always about our kids. I'm sure those cool teenage girls were thinking "OMG, how boring and lame are these moms?!" It seems like it was forever ago that my girlfriends and I were talking about boys and gossiping. Just gabbing away not having a care in the world about ANYTHING. I'm only 25, but hearing those girls and seeing how they talk to each other annoyed me, which made me feel ancient.

Have a weekend full of fabulous-ness! I know I will!

- Jessica


  1. haha too funny..I feel like that sometimes around teens!

  2. this is hilarious! i dont have kids but im 25 too and feel like a relic around teenagers. dont worry - youre still sasssy as heck....just a mature sassy!
